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Welcome to the Outten homepage Known spellings proven links: Auton Outen Outing Outten Spellings unproven: Alten Alton Aulten Aulton Auten Oughten Oughton Oulten Oulton Outting Outon Outton A bit of the Outen/Outten Story What follows is a part of the outten story and how we all came to be in the Essex & Merseyside areas etc. "In the early to mid 1900's two brothers (Stephen & Samuel) left Essex to go to Merseyside for what reasons I don't know. This split the Outen/Outten family, part of the ensuing Outten Family moved back to Essex in the mid to late 1900's." Now personally, I don't know if is was two brothers, because my Gt.Gt.GrandFather Stephen Outten moved to Manchester, where he had my Gt.Grandfather. My Gt.Grandfather probably served in the navy because he met Ellen Holloway in Plymouth, moved to Barnstaple in Devon and had my Grandfather; only to confuse matters my grandfather then moved back to Merseyside (No Doubt to his grandparents), where my father was born in Manchester. My father met my mother through her best friend, as a pen pal, then courted and married in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. Had two children me and my sister, when they seperated Mum moved back down to be near her parents in Folkestone/Hythe which is where she still is. NB: New/updated or corrected information is always welcome to be added and/or changed in the genealogy tree. We only accept information on family members in the current tree or connections to new members which we will gladly add. We can add text information on any individual or attach a photo for an individual. We will gladly hide information on individuals which are living and which they may consider Private ie. for living relatives we only show their initials and gender. It is hoped that this site will be a useful source of information for those looking for information on our family names and their origins. As google has been removing search results to this site (all of the info contained being in the public domain) googlebot is barred from crawling. Also on this site the Surnames Andrews Baker Bakken Ball Barnes Baugslien Bender Bråten Brewer Brierley Brown Budden Byny Clynes Corbin Cox Curtis Dawdry Dawkins Dean Dennis Dewey Estall Falkener Fry Gilmour Green Hagerup Haldos Harvey Haugrud Hawkins Hoare Hobbs Holloway Horsley Howland Hvitfeldt Irgens Irsay Jonsmoen Kaarvik Keates King Kitchener Kveberg Lawson-Johnston Leiknæs Lillesteien List Luckhurst Martin Metcalfe Miles Mitchell Molsnæs Morris Nesteby Newman Outten Øren Pallett Powell Price Rabbetts Read Samson Sandeggen Saunders Seaman Seni Smith Storsteigen Strålsjøhaug Street Taylor Trøan Vallo Webb Weir Wesling Whitby White Whiteing Whiting Widelski Wilson Wiseman Wood. (Based on 10 or more of the same Surname existing in the tree, 879 Total Surnames) Genealogy database statistics. |